Filed under: Laptops

As if it wasn't already clear that ASUS has descended into
self-parody, the company's Chinese website has now revealed yet another
Eee PC model which, by our estimation, brings the total number of variations to about on par with the number of Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavors. This latest model, dubbed the Eee PC 900 30G, boasts a 30GB hard drive in place of the usual 12GB or 20GB SSD drive, and is apparently set to be available in both black and white Linux versions, and a black-only Windows XP model. No word on a price or release date just yet, but it seems safe to bet that it'll come in under the flash-based models. Given the saturation of Eee PCs 'round these parts, it also seems entirely possible that these'll only be available in China, although we certainly wouldn't put anything past ASUS at this point.
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