Sunday, May 11, 2008

It's Contest Time! Win a Copy of Better Measure 2.0!

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService

It's Friday, and that means contest time! Well, okay - Fridays don't always equate to contests, but I had to come up with a compelling opening. ;)

The application pictured above is Better Measure 2.0, a fantastic unit and currency converter created by the folks over at Visual Byte Inc. But Better Measure 2.0 doesn't just stop at conversions. It even features a calculator, profile support, and a digital ruler. Sweet!

We have ten copies of Better Measure 2.0 to give away, and we're not leaving any Windows Mobile users out of this one. It's compatible with both Classic/Professional (Pocket PC) and Standard (Smartphone) devices, so it's open to all Pocket PC Thoughts and Smartphone Thoughts readers (five copies per site). What's the catch? Simply make a post in this thread stating your favourite food or drink, AND also the version you'd like (Pocket PC or Smartphone). It's that simple. The contest will end this Sunday, April 6 April 13 at 11:59pm (GMT -6). Winners will be selected randomly and announced the following week. Good luck!

Update: As a result of the downtime, the deadline for contest entries has been extended.

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