Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wal-Mart Fires Broadside Into Best Buy With Talk of Geek Squad Knockoff [Wal-Mart]

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By way of sister site The Consumerist comes word this afternoon that big box chain Wal-Mart is "very interested" in expanding its services into Best Buy's Geek Squad territory. "We are looking at different options," said Gary Severson, a Wal-Mart senior vice president. Tough luck for Best Buy on that one, should it come to pass. According to MarketWatch, analysts consider Best Buy's Geek Squad operation a key differentiator compared to Wal-Mart. So, the question is, if Geek Squad guys drive those black and white VW Beetles, would Wal-Mart stormtroopers technicians fly Star Destroyers drive SMART cars? [MarketWatch via Consumerist]

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