Wednesday, June 25, 2008

World's First High-Def Train Simulator Makes Train Operating Uber-Realistic [Trains]

Java JavaScript CSS HTML C# Ruby WebService

Train operators-in-training will no longer have to deal with plain, unrealistic, standard-definition simulations thanks to a new system that uses full HD video. Jointly developed by Fujitsu and video game maker Ongakukan, the world's most advanced train simulator uses variable-speed playback technology and HD video that was shot on actual train lines.

The simulator delivers an unprecedented level of realism that gives trainees a better and more accurate learning experience. Never again will a train operator not know what to do when he or she encounters something on the tracks (here's a hint: 'stop'). The system just became available commercially for three million yen ($29,000), so extremely rich Thomas the Tank Engine fans, it's time to make your train-operating dreams come true! [Fareastgizmos]

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